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Services & Amenities


Below is some information about what the Parish Council is responsible for and Amenities within the parish


General Maintenance


The Parish Council is responsible for general maintenance and upkeep of the village. If you would like to report any issues, please contact the Clerk.


Maintenance of the roads, for example dealing with potholes, is the responsibility of the County Council Highways Department. Please report any issues to the Clerk or report potholes directly via Norfolk County Council's online reporting.



Village Hall


The Jubilee Hall is where the Parish Council hold its meetings. 


It is located on Lower Street and is the centre for most of the activity groups and events taking place in the village.  It is the venue for many different types of activity for all ages.


It an ideal place for parties and anniversaries or fund raising events such as sales, fairs or coffee mornings.


To book the Jubilee hall please contact the management committee - 


Pat Barnes  (01603) 720466
(Mon-Fri 9am – 6pm, Sat: 9am-12 noon)


Recreation Ground


The recreation ground is located on Thieves Lane.  It is a large green space which can be used for many sports and has a large car park.  It is currently the home to Salhouse Rovers Football Club.


There is also a children's play area for the under 12's.


The Parish Council is responsible for the grass cutting and general maintenance.


Dogs are not permitted on the recreation ground.


There is soon to be a trod footpath installed along the inside edge of the field to aid waking from one end of Thieves Lane to the other avoiding the road.  Dogs will be permitted on this path, provided they are kept on a lead at all time and stay on the path.


More information on Broadland District Councils Top Dog Scheme.

Public footpath finger post


There are many amenities and

groups within Salhouse.


If you would like to find out more, please see the attached Parish magazine Salhouse SAGA


Spring 2024 edition


Winter 2023 edition 


Summer 2023 edition


Spring 2023 edition


Winter 2022 edition


Summer 2022 edition


Spring 2022 edition



Photo gym equipment.jpg
Photo Playboat.jpg
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