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Meeting Minutes and Agendas

2024 Meetings


Next Meeting - Monday 12th August 2024 7.00pm - TBC


Monday 8th July 2024 - Agenda | SAM2 data Norwich Road 03/06/24 to 30/06/24 and Lower Street 24/05/24 to 24/06/24  | Team Salhouse Report | Planning Report |   


Monday 10th June 2024 7pm - Agenda | SAM2 data Norwich Road 04/05/24 to 03/06/24 and Bell Lane 28/4/24 to 24/5/24 | Team Salhouse Report | Planning Report | Minutes (draft)




Monday 20th May 2024 7pm - Agenda | SAM2 data Norwich Road 001/04/24 to 04/05/24 and Bell Lane 30/03/24 to 28/04/24| Team Salhouse Report | Planning Report | Minutes

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 1st May 2024 6.30pm - Agenda | Minutes

Annual Parish Meeting - Wednesday 17th April 2024 7pm - Notice | Agenda | Minutes from 19th April 2023 - Minutes (draft)

Monday 8th April 2024 7pm - Agenda | SAM2 data Thieves Lane 25th February to 30th March 2024 and Norwich Road 1st to 31st March 2024| Team Salhouse Report | Planning Report | Minutes 

Monday 11th March 2024 7pm - Agenda| SAM2 data Lower St 25/01/24 to 25/02/24 and Norwich Road 02/02/24 to 01/03/24 | Team Salhouse Report | Planning Report | Minutes 

Monday 12th February 2024 7pm - Agenda | SAM2 data Norwich Road 05/01/24 to 31/01/24 | Planning Report | Team Salhouse Report | Minutes 

Monday 8th January 2024 7pm - Agenda | SAM2 data Bell Lane 1st to 28th December 2023 and Norwich Road 8th December 23 to 5th January 24| Planning Report | Team Salhouse Report | Minutes 

2023 Meetings

Monday 11th December 2023 7pm - Agenda | SAM2 data - Village 05/11/23 to  01/12/23 and Norwich Road 29/11/23 to 08/12/23 | Planning Report | Team Salhouse report | Minutes

Monday 13th November 2023 7pm - Agenda | SAM2 Data - Village 05/10/23 to 05/11/23 and Station Road 08/10/23 to 04/11/23 | Planning Report | Team Salhouse Report | Minutes

Monday 9th October 2023 7pm - 
Agenda | Planning Report| SAM2 data - Norwich Road 09/09/23 to 07/10/23 and Lower Street 05/09/23 to 05/10/23| Team Salhouse Report | Minutes

Monday 11th September 2023 7pm - Agenda | Planning Report | SAM2 Data - Village 03/07/23 to 06/08/23 and 06/08/23 to 05/09/23 and Norwich Road 01/07/23 to 01/08/23 and 01/08/23 to 08/09/23| Team Salhouse Report | Minutes 

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 2nd August 2023 6.30pm - Agenda | Minutes 

Monday 10th July 2023 7pm - Agenda | Planning Report | SAM2 Data (Norwich Road) | Minutes 

Monday 12th June 2023 7pm - Agenda | Planning Report | SAM2 Data (Norwich Road) | Minutes 

Monday 15th May 2023 7pm - Agenda| Planning Report | SAM2 data | Team Salhouse Report | Minutes 

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 3rd May 2023 7pm - Agenda | Minutes 

Annual Parish Meeting - Wednesday 19th April 2023 7pm - Notice | Agenda | Minutes from 18th May 2022 - Minutes (draft)
Wednesday 12th April 2023 7pm - Agenda | Planning Report | Team Salhouse | Minutes 

Thursday 6th April 2023 7pm - Agenda | Minutes 

Monday 27th March 2023 6.30pm
 Agenda | Minutes

Monday 13th March 2023 7pm Agenda | Planning Report | Highways & Footpath Report | Team Salhouse | SAM2 dataSAM2 data | Minutes 

Monday 13th February 2023 7pm - Agenda | Planning Report | Highways & Footpath Report | Team Salhouse | SAM2 data (Bell Lane) | Minutes 

Monday 9th January 2023 7pm - Agenda | Planning Report | Highways & Footpath Report | Team Salhouse | SAM2 data (Norwich Road) | Minutes 

Agendas, minutes and accompanying reports of meetings held by the Parish Council are available for download.


The agenda for a meeting is usually made available here on the Wednesday before a Monday meeting.


The draft minutes of a meeting will normally be made available here within two weeks of a meeting, and the final version is published once approved at the next meeting.


All documents are in PDF format unless stated otherwise, so should open and be viewable within your web browser. For copies of older minutes (prior to 2017), please contact the Clerk.

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