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Parish Council News and Information

Parish Council Meetings:


The next Parish Council public meetings will be held on

Monday 12th August 2024 at 7.00pm TBC

in the Jubilee Hall, Lower Street, Salhouse. 


Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and a short period of time is given for the public to air their views on matters directly related to the Parish Council.


Please see the schedule of meeting dates.


What We Do


The Parish Council is responsible for:


  • the village ponds

  • the recreation ground

  • the play area

  • commenting on planning applications

  • the war memorial

  • the village notice boards

  • general maintenance around the village

  • defibrillators


Nominations are now open for Broadland District Council's Community at Heart Awards 2024!


Celebrate the amazing achievements of those who go above and beyond to support others or complete incredible achievements.


Shortlisted nominees will be invited along to the awards ceremony at Royal Norwich Golf Club in Lenwade, and the winner in each category will receive £250 to give to their chosen community group or voluntary organisation.


Further information and how to nominate available on Broadland District Councils website here.




Norwich Western Link project update


The planning application documents for the Norwich Western Link have now been published online. You can view them here: Norwich Western Link - Norwich Western Link (


Norfolk County Council in its role as the planning authority will now run a statutory public consultation to allow people to comment on the planning application. You can submit any comments on the documents online via the website link above, by emailing or by post by writing to Planning Services, Communities and Environment, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2SG.


If you wish to contact the Norwich Western Link project team, please email

North Rackheath Development


In March 2022, Taylor Wimpey submitted an outline planning application to develop the former airfield, North Rackheath.


Following feedback from the local community and key stakeholders in autumn 2023, further refinements to the masterplan have been made.




You can read more about our plans and have your say at


You can also email us at



Your views count !


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Please view the attached Norfolk County Council/Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance Flooding Information Leaflet for details of how and who to report flooding occurrence's to and other useful information.


Flooding Hotline call 0344 800 8013 to report flooding anywhere in Norfolk. You can also report issues online.


Report a flood - Norfolk County Council



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Road Closures:


Road closure information will be available on on News page.

Please visit our Parish News & Information page for updated information and Road Closures

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Can we help YOU…



Salhouse United Charities may be able to help with a one-off grant if you are struggling to pay utility bills, or perhaps an essential piece of equipment has broken or it could be your Universal Credit has been delayed.


If you are a resident of Salhouse please get in touch with us on

01603 721201 and we will see if we can help you.



You will, of course, be treated in the strictest  confidence.


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